
之前筆者有寫一篇關於“告別” MV 的感想,也得到了一些迴響。
雖然這部  MV 內容雖然有些憂傷, 但男主角的處理方式卻讓個人很欣賞。


最近想起 "Tell Me On a Sunday" 這一首歌,或許可作為處理感情問題的借鏡。

用在 Andrew Lloyd Webber "Song and Dance” 音樂劇的這首歌,一直是筆者很鍾愛的作品之一。若能藉此部落格讓更多的人認識,亦是美事一樁。

Musical: Song & Dance
Song: Tell Me On A Sunday

Don't write a letter when you want to leave
Don't call me at 3 a.m. from a friend's apartment
I'd like to choose how I hear the news
Take me to a park that's covered with trees
Tell me on a sunday please
Let me down easy
No big song and dance
No long faces, no long looks
No deep conversation
I know the way we should spend that day
Take me to a zoo that's got chimpanzees
Tell me on a sunday please
Don't want to know who's to blame
It won't help knowing
Don't want to fight day and night
Bad enough you're going
Don't leave in silence with no word at all
Don't get drunk and slam the door
That's no way to end this
I know how I want you to say goodbye
Find a circus ring with a flying trapeze
Tell me on a sunday please
Don't want to fight day and night
Bad enough you're going
Don't leave in silence with no word at all
Don't get drunk and slam the door
That's no way to end this
I know how I want you to say goodbye
Don't run off in the pouring rain
Don't call me as they call your plane
Take the hurt out of all the pain
Take me to a park that's covered with trees
Tell me on a sunday please


其實這首歌的原唱為 Marti Webb,由於版權因素,有興趣的人可到 YouTube 網站欣賞。



是啊,選個星期天說句 Goodbye,並期許彼此都有更好的未來吧!

[後記] 2/13

我將原先 Denise Van Outen 在接受 BBC 專訪時演唱此曲的 MV,替換為 Michael Crawford 所演唱的版本。並不是她演唱的不好,只是此 Video 畫面轉錄品質稍差,所以改為畫面較穩定的此版本。讀者還是可以在以下網址去欣賞她的歌聲。


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